Japan, known for its historical susceptibility to earthquakes due to its geographical location, is facing a disastrous start to the new year with a series of seismic events. The East Asian nation, situated in an active seismic zone, experiences about 20 percent of global earthquakes annually, making it highly vulnerable.
In a grim turn of events, Japan has been hit by a barrage of earthquakes, with a staggering count of 155 recorded since Monday. The toll has been severe, resulting in at least 24 casualties, and the number may rise as rescue operations continue.
The impact of these earthquakes has brought life to a standstill, evident in CCTV footage capturing the devastation. Roads bear visible cracks, and metro stations swung violently. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported some earthquakes reaching a magnitude of 7.6, causing vehicles to be stranded and people fleeing for their lives. Reports indicate damage to several houses.
Rescue operations are underway, with personnel racing against time to evacuate victims trapped under debris. Despite ongoing efforts, the Japanese administration has lifted Tsunami Warnings and advisories issued during the earthquakes. However, caution is urged as the threat of additional earthquakes persists.
In a shocking turn, these new earthquakes mark the deadliest since 2011, leaving the Japanese populace in disbelief over this catastrophic beginning to the New Year.
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